Saturday, March 29, 2008


A little enchantment in the corner catches my eye... hmmm... that wasn't there yesterday....

.... ahhh! A garden gnome with a knack for some whizardry it seems to be. He's found a perch and seems to be holding court among the nasturtiums and irises. I wonder if the garlic, sage, rosemary and catnip nearby are listening....

"All before me, listen carefully. You have a fine place of radiant growth and beauty in which to sink your roots deep, and stretch up to the azul skies above. Grow strong, and do not be shy to show your glory, for it brings joy to all who see it!"


Joni said...

Hey I could use a garden gnome like that...does he pull weeds too?

Carolyn said...

Gnomes are cool!

Happy Sunday!
