Monday, November 06, 2006

The Luck of the Irish is with Me...

How often have you heard someone rave about their boss?

It doesn't seem to happen as often as the 'rag on the boss' tirade happens.


But I'm about to change that.

I was talking with one of my ya-ya's today. It had been a very rough weekend with family issues...the kind that knock the wind out of you. As we talked about all the different facets in my life, we came to my job. Thus the rave about my boss.

You see, my boss amazes me. She has one of the hardest jobs I know of, and one of which I could never, ever do. (I am going to refer to her as 'Dr. S'.) Every day, she must create a learning environment for about 900 students - surroundings that support, educate, nuture and empower students from all walks of life, from all backgrounds, from all situations. Our families absolutely love her and support her to no end! She treats every single child with dignity and friendliness. I can't tell you how many times I have been in her office and a couple of kiddos come by with birthday cupcakes that they want to share with their principal, gifts for the holidays, tokens of their love for her. By the end of the year, Dr. S. has had lunch with every student! She knows them by name, remembers their name long after they have moved on through life to have children of their own and she always remembers anecdotes about them. They TRULY think of her as their princiPAL... what a joyful memory they will carry forever of their school days!

But that's not all that she does....

Every day, she must create a working environment for about 75 staff members - surroundings that support, educate, nurture and empower her staff. This is not as easy as it may seem. Personalities, communication, regulations... these can all make a smooth running wheel hit a rough cog now and then. But, even those cogs get worked out, and the wheel continues humming along its way. Trust me, I've been on the cog that got clogged, and even in the worse of times, it always worked out. Because... of my boss. That's the type of enviorment she works for, strives for, supports and encourages. And despite all of the new 'rules' coming down in my field, she vehemently stands for creating a world that allows me to do my job the way I know how to do best... Trust me when I say that is not the norm in my profession. But it is with my boss, and God bless her for staying true to her vision.

But I can't stop here.

For, Dr. S. has blessed my life in more ways than she would ever know. Fate has lead me down an interesting path these past few years. Along this path though, has been Dr. S. Her unwaivering support for me and my family has been true, strong and unyeilding. Many has been the time when she took me out, had me over to her home, indulged me with time spent with her wonderful family. Every time I drove home from spending time with her, I always gave thanks for her, for her daughter, her son, her grandson, her aunt, her sister, her cousins, her nieces and nephews, her dogs and her cats.... and a precious time with her mother... truly.... truly.... truly....

I have learned so much from her in so many aspects...I could go on and on about how this woman has been such a guiding presence in my life... as my friend, as my boss, as my mentor.... she is so many things to me.

So it is with gratitude beyond measure, and the biggest bearhug that I can muster (she is such a 'hugger'!), that I give a heart-felt 'shout-out' to Dr. S. This world, truly, is a better place because of her and I thank her for all that she is to me. God bless you, S.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your field,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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