Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ruthie's Jug

I love this jug - Ruthie's Jug!
One night the ya-ya's came over and Ruthie had this jug, full of cranberry vodka that she had made. I was inspired by both the contents AND the container. What made this jug even more desirable... it was only $2.38 at Wal-Mart! I had to have this jug!
Well, searching did me no good. Couldn't find it. They never had it.
Ding-dong!! This morning, ya-ya Norma shows up bearing Ruthie's Jug! Jumps for joy and gratitude filled my heart!! She had found what I could not! I immediately filled it with Ruthie's concoction of cranberry vodka (I had been 'brewing' my own in a mason jar)! Actually, the vodka is a bit strong... it's the beautiful jewel color that so attracts me.... and the wonderful, happy memories that it brings!
...a bit of a side note.....
I was straining my concoction through a filter over a bowl and wouldn't you know... my cat, Gambit, was caught having a shot if it! M turned around in the kitchen and sitting by the bowl was Gambit, with a tell-tale drop of red on his chin.... good lordy... that's ALL I need!

1 comment:

Chickenbells said...

Wonderful jug...I tell you, it's too exciting that WalMart and Target are bringing back all the vintage inspired stuff...isn't it? And cranberry vodka? Oh my...