Sunday, February 19, 2006

From one extreme to another

Ahh..what a difference a day makes... Yesterday I was stuck on my butt on my sofa, feeling blue and not worth a damn.

Not today.

Got a fire lit under me early! I actually had coffee at Starbuck's and read the Sunday paper - what a treat! Then off to Lowe's for some primer and paint for the Magster's room. Spent $60, but saved $240 doing it myself...yipee! It looks good and will to the trick of turning that room into something 'sellable'. Speaking of which, actually showed the house to a woman out driving around with her realtor. And then had a policeman drive by and inquire as to the price. Hopefully, more to come.

Son 1 and Son '2' came over and installed the new microwave oven and took down the quilts from up high on the walls. What a help they were. I washed all of the quilts along with the living room curtains and Mag's curtains. Cleaning the oven right now and finishing up some laundry. Cleaned out some cobwebs (literally!), dusted and some little odds and ends. A good, productive day. Much needed. Felt good.

I'm ok about selling the house and I'm allowing myself some moments of thinking about having a new house of my own. Had another great visit with Phil...he says there are all sorts of programs out there for people buying homes. Maybe this will really work out for me... I pray so. Maggie and I would have fun with a home of our own!

Baby steps....

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