Sunday, March 04, 2007

no words needed...


Anonymous said...

I adore you...
and you are welcome....

Chickenbells said...

Oh dear, a rough spot huh? My but those are frequent sometimes, especially when you feel you are trying to do the right thing for everyone involved...and you most of all. Many hugs to you, and know that you will not stay in this exact space forever. Luckily, things tend to move on or through...and I suppose I could say something poetic about all the healing that will happen when you've moved beyond, but sometimes it takes a little while to see it through.

Just remember to enjoy and catch the happy moments when they come too...because it gives you a little something to hold on to, and a little goal to come back to...I figured out at some point that if I achieved it may be a starting point for me to go to again, and then who knows what will be possible?

And yes...I do indeed have lights above the canopy in my bed...and then twinkle ever so gently when I turn them on. Apparently I am quite the romantic (although, I always kind of knew that!!) If you're ever up this way, you can always come over and gaze at the chandelier...