Monday, February 19, 2007

A P.J. Day

It's been a beautiful day.... billows of all shades of grey swirling above... tulle tu-tu's of white spinning across now and then.... breathes blowing the dead off of frozen trees... and fresh drops plunking down now and then... at their whimsy....

my kind of day....

I've done nothing productive, which is what I needed to do after two days of financial documents and adding up the monetary value of my life these past 15 months... again... for the third time. The first time I did it, it was hard. The second time that I had to fill these forms out, I was ticked at having to do them over. This was absolutely gut-wrenching... I put it off for 10 days..which is not like me. But I just couldn't proceed with disolving 28 years of marriage during Valentine's week... I just couldn't do it.

So, today, I've piddled. Put a fire on. M and her friend,, who spent the night made shamrock sugar cookies. I was decadently lazy. Then late this afternoon, I wandered over to my stack of papers and decided to try my hand at making a charm again.
I printed out an antique postcard, added a spot of stamping and tore its border and glued it to some French writing paper. For the back, I took the same French writing paper, dribbled Italian red ink on it, glued a strip of orange ribbon and printed out 'bunny love' to cut and glue on. An Easter lily from the front of the postcard too big for the charm was added to the back as a final smile. An hour of soldering later, and I have my second charm made after my class last week. I must say, I do love this little guy and will wear it this week; probably tomorrow. I am so glad that I took that class (and listened to my spirit fairy) because I learned today that Ink It! is closing next month! Oh no!! But at least I learned something new that I've wanted to do for so very long.
(sorry for the fuzzy camera doesn't like it when I'm only 6" away!)
I'm going to go clean up my work area and then wander upstairs... to continue my lazy day!
**Don't forget to visit the post before this to be part of the drawing for my little gift to you, my blog buddies!**

1 comment:

Chickenbells said...

OH beautiful...I loved this day as well. It was stormy and lovely and cloudy all day long up here...and it started snowing around 3! I got to walk home from a friends house late, and I enjoyed it so very much...the snow, the cold, the smell of chocolate(you didn't think I was going to leave my brownies there did you?!?!)