Give Thanks
Two simple words, yet they hold so much grace, power and richness in their sounds.
The turkey is in the oven happy and stuffed. The Waldorf salad is made in honor and memory of my Mom...it just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without her salad.
Pies are baked. Pans are ready for their assortment of goodies: Sagaponauck Corn Pudding, biscuits, mashed potatoes and the most wickedest gravy this side of the Pecos,
if I do say so myself.
A soft rain settles on the rooftops; turning leaves drip down upon the grass as the Earth begins a slow wake on this Thanksgiving morning...
doors open to let the outside in.
A dog, literally, lays at my feet, candles of pumpkin and spice dot the living room, dining room and family room.
As I sip my pumpkin-spiced coffee in my 'oak' leaf coffee cup, I find myself in humble gratitude to God for all that has come my way in so many ways.
I want for nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
I am so blessed...
and so very thankful this Thanksgiving Day.
And yet, 'thank you' just doesn't seem enough.
Reflections upon the last few years leave me with so many views.
Part disbelief of all that has happened in 3 short years.
Part sturdy resolve in making it through.
Part pure 'little girl scared' at what was, what did and what could have.
Part peaceful spirit in knowing that God was taking care of me all along the way...
and continues to.
Part grateful beyond expressed words to my children and all of my friends who have carried my wounds, my dreams, my hopes, my outlook, my heart and my hand
when I just couldn't carry myself.
And yet, 'thank you' just doesn't seem enough.
This ornery 'squirrel in the forest' will be the first to proclaim 'I'm no bible thumper!' And the truth is, I'm not. But I go to church. I adore my pastor whose sermons are like taking a mini-college course. I learn about God, about faith, about the Bible, about our world's history, about my role on this planet, my challenges, my goals, my fellow man and this year, mostly about prayer. I have found myself walking down a 'prayer path' that was not part of my plan. Hesitantly, I have created talismans for this powerful practice, shared it with others, gifted some with it and tried to make sense of the power prayer so obviously has.
This Thanksgiving Day, two special people in my life are able to enjoy this day in ways that were only
hoped for, wished for...
prayed for.
The scope of the good that comes their way can only be explained in human terms as a 'miracle'.
And yet, 'thank you' just doesn't seem enough.
Each day the news reminds us all of the challenging times our world is in. Part of me has to chuckle for this has been the norm in my world for the last 3 years. I've turned my back to shopping in a frenetic crazed state of mind, buying things like there is no tomorrow. Newspaper ads, commercials, signs - all telling me how I have to give my hard-earned money to someone for some gadget that will bring 'unbridled joy and happiness' to my world bounce off of me and drop like stones.
Lessons learned these last three years have shown me the joy, the beauty, the gift of the written word...the simple token....the shared meal.... time spent together.
And once again, I will emerge on the other side of the 'holiday spirit' having not used a credit card or gone into debt to buy one gift this season.
Simplicity will have deeper meaning and give truer Christmas spirit -
to both the receiver
and myself.
And yet, 'thank you' just doesn't seem enough.
To tell God 'thank you' from deep within my heart ....
To hug my children and kiss their sweet cheeks
(um..even though they are 17 and 28 I can still do that, right??) ......
To hug my friends, tell them I love them and to thank them for
helping me along my path in this life.....
To silently tell the universe 'thank you' for all that I have, all that I've experienced,
for all of the lessons I have learned whether I wanted to or not....
Each 'thank you' is meant from my heart.
Purely, wholly, truly and simply.
But it just doesn't seem to be enough...
...or is it?
May your day of Thanksgiving bring peace, joy and love to you and
to all whom you share your world with.
I know that I appreciate you being a part of my world.
Happiest of Thanksgiving Day to you and yours
thank you.