Sunday, April 30, 2006

My Talisman

Sometimes easier said...
than done....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh the sight of that admission card, it looks very familiar. My dear friend I sit tonight and read your thoughts. I decided myself that Seattle is calling for me in ways I don't think I understood just two weeks ago. My desire to go is forceful and the thought of staying actually makes me scared. I relate to you in the sense that emotions can change. Just a couple of days ago, I made myself believe that staying would be alright. If I could give you a gift, it would be the excitement I have in wanting something different. I know it is in you C, you just have to look for it and believe. The fun it will be to find that perfect color of paint for the new wall, or the new flowers you will plant in the backyard. The world is just full of possabilities. I know you have to grieve, but do know that the best is yet to come and I will be there for you!!