Monday, July 06, 2009

It's All About Perspective

For Mother's Day, my son gave me a sweet little miniature rose bush. I planted it in the little terra cotta pot that came with it and then spent the next 3 weeks trying to apease its tempermental attitude about exactly where it wanted to reside. Outside? Inside? Window ledge? Corner of the counter? There were a couple of days when I thought it was a goner...but the two of us have finally found the perfect spot...on the window ledge above my kitchen sink. It loves the north light of the day and seems to thrive with the hour of desert sunlight it gets just before dusk. New growth is sprouting and two of the sweetest pink buds have been shooting up from two strong mini-canes. Last night I smelled this little one, not thinking much could come from it...boy, was I wrong! The most beautiful scent of sweet rose perfume swirls above the opening petals...amazing! I'm excited to see how long this beautiful plant lives on as I've never had very good luck keeping miniature roses alive. But so far, so good!
So good, in fact, that I could soon be found sitting on top of my kitchen counter - positioning to get just the right lighting, angle and yes, shot. Have I told you that I am stupid over my camera?? I am. Totally. Completely. Nikon, I love you. Don't ask me what my apeture setting was on this shot. I have no idea. My ISO? I SO don't know!! Lens? Uh..yeah... there's a lens on my camera. Is that what you meant? Clueless I am about my settings and the details...but no worry, because in a few weeks, this
sweet gal is going to teach me about those things, and more, regarding my beloved Nikon. Until that day, I simply play around and shoot...and shoot...and shoot! BECAUSE I CAN!! That's the beauty of digital photography.... you can take 20 shots to get the perfect two for your blog!! That deserves a 'happy dance' moment.... excuse me for just a sec...

okay.... back from 'happy dancing'!! Where was I?? Oh yes...up on my kitchen counter. I closed in just a little bit closer and got another shot. I can't believe this shot!!! Perfect? Oh, probably not at all! But it more than thrills me that I am able to get a shot like this with my most beloved Nikon. This is exactly what I was looking forward to doing all these years as I wished for such a piece of equipment. So please excuse my indulgence as I continue living the lesson that I learned recently... to enjoy life again and to

take time to smell the roses along the way.


Julie said...

Gorgeous pictures! I am just bursting for excitment for you! I can't think of anyone more deserving than you. Have I said that before?? I truly feel that way. I am so glad you are taking time to smell the roses and enjoy your camera .... ( is that why I haven't heard from you lately?? Have I been replaced? ) :)

N-Search of Peace! said...

I am "stupid" over it all too Chica!

This is such a sweet shot in capturing a son's bloom for his Mama!

Happy clicking! (does a digital camera even "click?")

And again thanks for the kindness and love given to me yesterday on the phone and on my blog!

Like a crazy women...

kimberly said...


Joni said...

"A rose by any other name..."
Obviously Will did not have a Nikon digital camera in his day.

Gorgeous shots! Lucky girl!

Chickenbells said...

Utterly Fantastic!! I LOVE positioning myself just right in the strangest of places to get that perfect shot!! This is why, when I'm out shooting in a group, I try to capture everyone around me and how they shoot...because it's so funny to get all the positioning! I am just over the moon that you are enjoying your new camera...and it won't be long before everything becomes second nature to you!!!

You know...there's a lot to shoot up North here... ;)